AKC online seminar: The largest of August Krogh animals: Physiology and biomechanics of whales revisited

Peter Teglberg MadsenAugust Krogh Club online seminar

Professor Peter Teglberg Madsen

Aarhus University, Denmark.


Whales are the largest animals ever, and Prof. Krogh was among the first to contemplate the physiological consequences of such gigantism in his seminal 1934 paper “Physiology of the blue whale”. Their size, habitat and endangered status, however, offer formidable challenges to study whale physiology.

In this talk I will outline how we to some degree have overcome these formidable problems with multisensor onboard tags, and present examples of how we increasingly can speak to the field physiology of these large and important predators. 


3 September 2021, 14:00-15:00 CET


Online: https://ucph-ku.zoom.us/j/63644822048

Meeting ID: 636 4482 2048


Registration is not necessary, but you can sign up for notifications on upcoming seminar by sending your contact information to jefh@nexs.ku.dk

For PhD students

PhD students participating in August Krogh seminars receive 0,2 ECTS per seminar


Jens Frey Halling, jefh@nexs.ku.dk

Jonas Møller Kristensen, jmkristensen@nexs.ku.dk 

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