About August Krogh Club


The vision for the August Krogh Club is to facilitate and increase visibility of research in the field of physiology and metabolism.


By various initiatives (meetings, seminars and symposia) and common activities, the August Krogh Club will create a platform within the field of physiology and metabolism from which the Danish research tradition in physiology can be maintained and expanded in the recognition that:

If we have seen further it is only by standing on the shoulders of giants

mod., Isaac Newton, 1676

























Board and steering committee

Professor Jørgen Wojtaszewski, Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports

Professor Henriette Pilegaard, Department of Biology

Professor Bente Kiens, Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports

Associate Professor Nadja Møbjerg, Department of Biology

Special Consultant, PhD Kate Aiko Wickham, Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports

In addition, the August Krogh Club is partnering with colleagues from Aarhus University and University of Southern Denmark for various events.





”Freja” by Hans Pauli Olsen

The sculpture of "Freja" made by Hans Pauli Olsen is used as mascot for the August Krogh Club.

The idea of the two plinths nicely symbolize our quotation of Isaac Newton in the mission statement:

If we have seen further it is only by standing on the shoulders of giants

mod., Isaac Newton, 1676




”Freja” by Hans Pauli Olsen

Two plinths, one for the person
and one for all that follows